Learn to Meditate free course

Meditation Made Easy

with Stressless in Seattle

A self-paced course
5 easy lessons
10 minutes each

Find the Calm in your Chaos

Meditation is not complicated.
The lessons in this course will teach you how to start a meditation practice in simple, practical and approachable ways.

How This Works:

  • First, sign up above.

  • You will have immediate access to the course.

  • Check your email. You will find a link to access the course at your convenience.

  • There are five easy lessons with five guided meditations for you.
    Less than 10 minutes each.

  • You can do them all at once or one a day, you choose. It will take you less than one hour to complete course.

  • At the end of each lesson you will feel immediate benefits of meditation. At the end of this course you will have a good understanding of how to meditate and how to easily incorporate it into your lifestyle.


I'm Chris

I am the creator of this course.
I am a yoga teacher and meditation coach.

I created this free course as a way for everyone to discover how easy meditation can be and the wonderful effects it can have on your lifestyle.
There really is nothing complicated about meditation.
If you would like to learn more or have questions or comments please email me right here. I love chatting about this!

If you want to learn more about my other offerings please visit my website stresslessinseattle.life