
Meditation Made Easy

a self-paced course

Five lessons
Ten minutes each

Meditation is not complicated.
The lessons below will teach you how to start a meditation practice in simple, practical and approachable ways.


There are five lessons with five guided meditations for you.

We all have different styles of learning.
You choose what works best for you.

  • You can do all lessons in less than an hour (binge style learning)

  • Or one lesson a day. Make it easy.
    Integrate what you learned throughout your day. 

Each day you will get a reminder email that your next lesson is ready for you. 

The link brings you to this page.

Do the lessons in order.
There is a little bit of reading before listening.
Each meditation builds upon the previous.  
They all have a little different theme. 

You have unlimited access!
Please bookmark this page. Come back as often as you like. 
Downloading is available.

Happy Meditating!


the power of your breath

awaken your senses

come back to your anchor

tame the monkey mind

there is strength in stillness

Calm Man meditating on breath

Lesson 1


This first meditation lesson is focused on the breath. 

Your breath is an amazing tool. Without any effort, your breath keeps you alive.

In yoga the breath is called pranayama - your life force. Think about that.

The first step in meditating is connecting with your breath. It is easy. Everyone can breathe.

Focused breathing - when you control your inhales and your exhales - has this amazing way of controlling and calming your nervous system.

When you focus on your breathing, It gives your mind something to do. And when your mind has something to do, it stops with the mental chatter.

This is why we are starting with the breath.

  • It delivers immediate results.

  • It is the quickest way to connect with and calm your nervous system.

  • It is safe and natural.

Click the arrow to listen.
Download if you want.

It is just five minutes. You can do it!

Happy Meditating!

Lesson 2


See, hear, touch, smell, taste

Awaken Your Senses!

When you activate your senses it brings you more aware of the moment you are in right now. 

The present moment — the here and now.
This allows you to let go of all thoughts running through your mind.

It clears the mind for a more effective meditation.

Click the arrow to listen. Download if you want.

It is less than seven minutes. You can do it!

Happy Meditating!

Lesson 3

Your Anchor

Your anchor is what brings your attention back and keeps you steady.
In this lesson you will be incorporating what you have learned previously, using your breath and/or your senses to guide your attention.
When you meditate your mind wanders off. It gets busy telling stories, runs the to-do list, problem solves.

That just happens.  It is part of the meditation process.

Your anchor is what you use to direct your attention away from your busy mind. Try and keep it still and steady.  It can be a challenge.

When you notice your mind starting to drift, you bring your attention back to something else, your anchor.

Your anchor can be your breath, your sense of hearing, your sense of touch, or something else. You get to choose.

Each one of us is different. Your anchor may be different than mine.  It may be different each time you meditate. It may be different during a single meditation.  The more you meditate, the more familiar you will get with this and what anchors you like best.
Click that arrow and get started!

Click the arrow to listen.
Download if you want.

It is just nine minutes. You can do it!

Happy Meditating!

Lesson 4


The Monkey Mind!

Did you know research shows that humans have 6,200 thoughts per day?

That is a lot of thoughts!
We call it the monkey mind. 
It is all the thinking, the stories, the emotions.

You cannot stop the thoughts, but you can learn to let them go. And you will do it again and again.  Let. It. Go.

This is why meditation is called a practice.

It is a process to start to notice ALL the thoughts spinning around in your mind and then let them pass on through. 

In this 7-minute meditation you will use the techniques you learned in the previous lessons.  You will notice those thoughts jumping around in your head and learn how to react to them.  Again and again.
Sit back and prepare to relax.

Click the arrow to listen.
Download if you want.

It is just six and a half minutes.
You can do it!

Happy Meditating!

Lesson 5


There is Strength in Stillness

Be still?   What?!

Does the thought of being still with yourself make you uncomfortable. You are not alone.

Being still may be challenging at first, but you will begin to like it. Really! 

And soon you will find yourself wanting more.
This is you feeling the benefits of meditation!

This is why there is strength in stillness.

 This guided meditation focuses on stillness. It incorporates the previous lessons, brings all the techniques together. 

There is a little more "quiet" time, enabling you to sit and meditate a little longer.

This meditation is nine minutes!  Almost twice as long as the first one. You've got this!
Remember, fidgeting might happen. That is okay.  Trying to still the mind is the challenge.

You are ready!  You can do nine minutes. And it will feel oh, so sweet. 

Prepare to relax.
Click the arrow, close your eyes and start listening. 

This is the final lesson. Come back as often as you like! 

Click the arrow to listen.
Download if you want.

It is just nine minutes. You can do it!

Happy Meditating!

You’ve completed the course!
Thanks for doing this program. I hope it brought a little more peace into your life.
If you would like to dive deeper into meditation please send me an email.
I welcome any questions or comments, too!

I'm Chris


I am the creator of this course.
I am a yoga and meditation coach.

Thanks for completing this course. I hope you enjoyed it!

I created this course as a way for everyone to discover how easy meditation can be and the wonderful effects it can have on your lifestyle.
There really is nothing complicated about meditation.

If you would like to learn more or have questions or comments please email me right here. I love chatting about this!

If you want to learn more about my offerings please visit my website.

“I loved learning the breathing techniques! I use them throughout my day . . . before I freak out! It keeps me calm. It serves as a little diversion from the real world” ”

“I'm all for more mindfulness and grounding in my day! Thank you for sharing!”